Logo: Jonal Labs

Customer Survey

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this questionnaire, which forms an integral part of our drive to continuously improve customer satisfaction.

The ‘Comments / Suggestions for improvement’ section is reserved for your comments regarding our current performance and any suggestions you may have that could improve future performance. 

Please tell us about yourself: (* denotes required fields)

Organization: *
Name: *
1. Does your organization view Jonal Laboratories as part of its development strategy?
If not, how do we achieve this?
2. How would you rate Jonal Laboratories in terms of relationship?
How could we improve our relationship?
3. How would you rate Jonal Laboratories' overall communication?
How could we communicate better?
4. How do you view Jonal Laboratories' on time delivery?
Please give additional comments if needed:
5. How do you view Jonal Laboratories' quality processes from point of order placement to point of product acceptance?
Please provide additional comments if needed:

Form 8.2.1-4 Rev B 
QMS Record (Retention 3 yrs)